I disturbi dello Spettro Autistico in Sudafrica. Uno studio preliminare a partire dalla ricerca di un Tirocinio di Eccellenza

  • Mabel Giraldo


Although Autism Sprectrum Disorders have received a lot of attention by the scientific community in the recent years, not much researches have been conducted in Africa, where little is still know about ASD. This lack of data and informations counts for South Africa too. Therefore, the present paper would like to go through a preliminary review about South African ASD situation in terms of theories – giving a first literary feedback about national debate – and practices – exploring assessment, diagnostic intervention and possible educational strategies. These outcomes would be analized also in a comparative perspective thanks to a research project held by the Department of Human and Social Science of University of Bergamo, in collaboration with Little Eden Society (Johannesburg, South Africa) and Fondazione Istituto Sacra Famiglia ONLUS (Cesano Boscone, Italy) in order to explore how ASD, in children and young people, is faced in these two different bodies.